Is “Gospel-Centeredness” Still Relevant in a Post-Everything, Spiritual Formation World?
Gospel centrality, the thought that the work of Christ—His death and resurrection—as being foundational and the lens through which we understand all things discipleship used to be popular. Is this still relevant in the current life of the church? Or is this now an outdated question in light of cultural shifts?
4 ways new-ish parents win by simply making it to church (Part 2)
It’s a common experience for new parents or parents of young kids to feel like their experience of God has taken a dramatic turn. In this post, I make a case for why the simple discipline of going to church will make all the difference for you and your family.
“Help! Something Has Shifted Spiritually Since Having a Kid”(Part 1)
In the last few weeks, I’ve had multiple conversations with Jesus-loving parents of young kids who have expressed a spiritual wrestle and frustration in the new season of parenting. What do we make of the new season of parenting? This piece serves to encourage those who find themselves there.
Are You Falling For a New Counterfeit Gospel?
Jesus-believing individuals can turn away to a “different gospel.” This turning away can occur rapidly and quickly according to the Bible. In this post, I want to share four versions of “different gospels” that I believe followers of Jesus ought to be aware of in our current moment and the antidote.
5 Lessons from Jackie Hill Perry & the Enneagram
Author, artist, and teacher Jackie Hill Perry shared on Instagram that she had changed her mind about the Enneagram personality test. Perry, who was once skeptical of those who said the Enneagram was demonic, said she came to the said conclusion after studying it for two days. I share 5 things we can learn from this scenario.
There’s a Better Solution to Uncertainty Than Control
Control is comforting because it puts “me” in the driver’s seat. But control is illusive and elusive. And this makes control draining. It is exhausting to bear the weight of an untrue reality, with all of its daily implications. In this post, I share a better way to navigate the uncertainties of life than control.
Where did all the “gospel-centered” folks go?
A few years ago, it seemed like every pastor I knew was harping on “gospel centeredness.” Nowadays, I don’t see or hear as much passion about the gospel. In this post, I describe why this is understandable, but a little concerning from a discipleship standpoint.
Why I’ve Started Meeting With a Spiritual Director
It is easy for a pastor to guide everyone else to God while walking around in circles, personally. It is easy for a pastor to smile on stage, but lose sensitivity to the ways of Jesus. These are just a few reasons why I began meeting with a spiritual director.
The Odd Reason Why Your Bible Reading Plan Fails (And What To Do About It)
Why is it so hard to stick with a reading plan? How come it seems like some people are able to find a Bible reading plan and stick it out while the rest of us struggle in reading plan mediocrity? There may be a surprising answer.
Why Physical Church Attendance Is A “New" Spiritual Discipline
The Covid-era has changed how God’s people engage with the local church. In this post, I share why we should no longer assume that people view the physical gathering as being essential, but help people to understand why it is so. Churches have to associate physical church gathering as one of the spiritual disciplines alongside Bible reading, prayer, community life, generosity, etc.
I’m Launching a Church This Weekend. Here’s Some Backstory
What started out last year as a localized gathering to serve God’s people makes the transition as an official congregation this coming Sunday. In this post, I share some personal backstory and subsequent learnings from the last 15 months.
5 Reminders For Those Listening to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”
I told myself I would not write a blog regarding this podcast series. But here’s why I’ve changed my mind: More and more church members (not just church leaders) are listening in. So out of the burden of what God’s people are hearing, here are a few words of encouragement for those listening to the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.
I became a lead pastor 10 years later than I wanted. Here’s why I’m glad for it.
I wanted to be a lead pastor at 25. But instead of giving me what I thought I wanted, God used the next 10 years to bring me to a place where I wasn’t sure it was something I even wanted. But to my surprise, a decade later, I find myself stepping into a lead pastor role. And I could not be more grateful it’s happening now, and not then.
Church Ministry is Important, But Not Everything. There’s a Difference
I have an obsessive personality. While this trait helps me to do things with passion and focus, there’s a downside: I can quickly lose perspective and treat one thing as everything. But it’s important for church leaders and pastors to put church ministry in perspective: Church ministry is significant, but it should not be the singular thing.
Why Pain (Inflicted by Another Leader in Ministry) Can Be a Gift for a Church Leader
One of the greatest pains in ministry is the pain inflicted by our partners and teammates in ministry. You’ve heard the stories. What good could come of it? In this post, I highlight an invaluable embedded gift under the crucible of this kind of leadership pain.
What Are the Differences Between the Seasoned & the Unseasoned Pastor?
What are the differences between seasoned and unseasoned pastors? In this blog, I make 5 observations about seasoned bosses and influencers I’ve had the privilege of interacting with and learning from. I also share practical ways younger pastors can learn from seasoned pastors.
Workflow Rhythms for Pastors to Consider for the Health of their Church, Family, and their Souls
As pastors engage in the daily grind to be faithful to their people, they can fall into the trap where the very effort to manage one’s duties can result in a pastor being managed by them which can be to the detriment of their church, family, and their own souls. In this post, I explore a workflow rhythm for sustainable health and holistic life integration.
3 Opportunities for Parents With Young Children
My wife has been teaching me a lot about parenting these days. In this post, I share a few learnings from her that I believe are opportunities for parents with young children during this unqieu season.
How To Be Tone-Deaf During a Crisis
Presently, our world is in a global pandemic. There is fear, anxiety, and sadness. There is also tone-deafness in the way some have responded to Covid-19. In this post, I highlight 3 ways we can be tone-deaf in this present crisis.
Why Life Transitions Are Hard (And How to Handle It Well)
Every time you say “yes” to a change, you’re opening the door to transition. And opening the door to transitions, brings a disorientation we’re surprised to find we’re not always ready for. In this post, I share what these disorientations are and ways to navigate them.