3 Key Questions To Ask Yourself When Hiring For Church Staff
Hiring is important in any organization and it’s just as important, if not more so, in a local church context. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the hiring process these last few years, it’s this: It’s all about asking the right questions.
“Sin Doesn’t Care About Your Ministry Convictions, Affiliations, or Theological Tribes”
That’s what I tearfully shared with eight lead pastors on an early Tuesday afternoon. Sin is vicious. It is apathetic to our church ministry backgrounds. And it is crouching at the door.
How Shepherding Like a Barbarian Benefits the Church Flock (Church Season Part 3)
This third installment in the mini-series is about how pastors who shepherd with a posture of a barbarian can facilitate beautiful change which fuel and protect the flock of God.
The Dangerous Pull Towards Aristocratic Leadership in a Church’s Life Cycle (Part 2)
In part 2, I double-click into the aristocrat life stage and its associated leadership style and explain why this type of leadership can be so dangerous for a church and what I believe is the solution to fight against it.
“What Season Is My Church In?” Another Angle Of Your Church’s Life Stage (Part 1)
There are many ways we can comprehend the season or life stage of our churches. We can see assess it by spiritual temperature, liturgical season, or organizationally. In this post, I want to offer another take on viewing a church’s season through an organizational lens.
5 Things I Wish Were Different About My Seminary Experience - Part 2
Every organization and institutions have its limitations. There is no single entity that can holistically “do it all.” In this post, I share 5 things I wish were different about my seminary experience.
What My Seminary Professors Got Right (And What I Wish They Did Differently) - Part 1
I finished my theological training in seminary 10+ years ago. In this reflection, I share 5 things my seminary professors were spot on about. Their wisdom and discernment proved to be timeless. This is Part 1 of 2.
Why Your Anxiety Needs to Be Managed Before You Lead Others
Spiritual leaders carry a burden. We walk in a constant tension between the peace of God and a godly burden. But how this burden is managed can make all the difference for our people and our own leadership capacity.
What’s the Difference Between the Small Church Pastor and the Large Church Pastor? (The Answer May Surprise You)
Is the pastor of a larger church more gifted or godlier than the small church pastor? Is the small church pastor more humble and theologically sound than the pastor of a large church? What is the exact difference between the two? In this post, I explore the key difference.
What Are the Differences Between the Seasoned & the Unseasoned Pastor?
What are the differences between seasoned and unseasoned pastors? In this blog, I make 5 observations about seasoned bosses and influencers I’ve had the privilege of interacting with and learning from. I also share practical ways younger pastors can learn from seasoned pastors.
Workflow Rhythms for Pastors to Consider for the Health of their Church, Family, and their Souls
As pastors engage in the daily grind to be faithful to their people, they can fall into the trap where the very effort to manage one’s duties can result in a pastor being managed by them which can be to the detriment of their church, family, and their own souls. In this post, I explore a workflow rhythm for sustainable health and holistic life integration.
The Emerging Pastor (or “Christian Influencer”) Who Makes Me Nervous
It can be a beautiful sight when a pastor’s influence (or a Christian’s social media account) takes off. It can be a great benefit to those under their influence and a testament to the power of God. At the same time, I feel a bit nervous when I see a combination of key factors playing out in the life of the leader or influencer. This post examines those factors.
The One Thing Pastors In Their 20’s Should Consider Focusing On (After Character)
Character is king. Nothing matters more than character. But after character, what should pastors in their 20s focus on? In this blog, I make the case that developing one’s skillsets and competencies through rigorous and strenuous work is the next best investment.
The Courage and Wisdom of Pastoral Silence
Have you wondered why some pastors have been so silent on the many issues we’ve faced this year? Are they cowards? Are they trying to protect their job? Or are they actually courageous and really wise? In this post, I make a case for the latter. I hope this helps pastors to feel free from the pressure of saying things just for the sake of it.
Pastors, Let’s Not Make These Social Media Mistakes During Divisive Days
It’s challenging enough for pastors to lead their churches under great circumstances. The last thing pastors need is the loss of credibility due to unwise engagement with social media, especially during divisive times. In this blog post, I share a few social media mistakes pastors can make during divisive times and conclude with a few practical exhortations.
10 Lessons for Young Pastors From the Life of Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon was a famous 19th century London pastor of an influential church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle. Many recognize him today as “The Prince of Preachers” and the author of treasured works such as “Lectures to My Students” and “The Treasury of David.” I also believe there is much to glean from his life, especially for young pastors. Upon reading Arnold Dallimore’s biography of Charles Spurgeon, I saw 10 things that I believe are a helpful challenge and encouragement to young pastors today.
The Single Greatest Ministry Skill
You don't need to be the strongest communicator or be the greatest strategist to be effective in ministry. While intangibles, like charisma or intelligence help us, there may be another form of ability that helps individuals thrive in ministry.