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Are You Trustworthy?
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Are You Trustworthy?

It’s been said that “Trust is hard-earned, easily lost, and difficult to reestablish.” What does it mean to be trustworthy? How do I regain trust once I’ve lost it? This post answers these questions by looking at the life of the Old Testament prophet, Daniel.

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Self-Awareness Is Not Enough
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Self-Awareness Is Not Enough

No one wants to be the person lacking self-awareness. It places a lid on one’s personal relationships and professional development.  But what if I told you that unless coupled with two other “awarenesses”, self-awareness alone is insufficient, if not potentially dangerous?

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Is “Gospel-Centeredness” Still Relevant in a Post-Everything, Spiritual Formation World?
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Is “Gospel-Centeredness” Still Relevant in a Post-Everything, Spiritual Formation World?

Gospel centrality, the thought that the work of Christ—His death and resurrection—as being foundational and the lens through which we understand all things discipleship used to be popular. Is this still relevant in the current life of the church? Or is this now an outdated question in light of cultural shifts?

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Suspicion Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit
Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee

Suspicion Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit

Whether we’re processing current events, assessing organizations, navigating relationships, or interpreting a text message, everyone’s suspicion meter has gone up. We’re more suspicious as a society than before. But Christians are also more suspicious than before as well. In this post, I share how we’ve confused suspicion for discernment and encourage us to be a people of hope.

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3 Differences Between A Theologically Driven Church vs. An Ideologically Driven Church
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

3 Differences Between A Theologically Driven Church vs. An Ideologically Driven Church

In an article entitled, “The Coming Church Split (It’s Not What You Think)” Carey Nieuwhof made observations about four divergent roads churches will face as we move into the future. I read this article over a year ago and have kept thinking about his fourth and final point: “Ideologically Driven Versus Gospel-Driven” churches. In this post, I share 3 observed differences between these two churches.

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Could “dragging the kids to church” be a good thing?
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Could “dragging the kids to church” be a good thing?

Who wants to go to church with kids who don’t want to be there? What kid wants a church experience where they have to go? We should just let kids be, right? Let them do their own thing? Parents can enjoy church on their own and we don’t want or kids to grow up hating the church. But while this line of thinking may appear right, there’s data that paints a different picture. Consistent church-attendance for our kids may be better for their future.

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Why Your Church Needs Introverted Leaders
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

Why Your Church Needs Introverted Leaders

At least one-third to half of the people are made up of introverts. And while the church desperately needs extroverted leaders (the church is a gathering of people after all), there are a few reasons why I think every church needs introverted leaders. I share a few of these reasons in this post.

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Why Physical Church Attendance Is A “New" Spiritual Discipline
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Why Physical Church Attendance Is A “New" Spiritual Discipline

The Covid-era has changed how God’s people engage with the local church. In this post, I share why we should no longer assume that people view the physical gathering as being essential, but help people to understand why it is so. Churches have to associate physical church gathering as one of the spiritual disciplines alongside Bible reading, prayer, community life, generosity, etc.

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5 Reminders For Those Listening to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

5 Reminders For Those Listening to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”

I told myself I would not write a blog regarding this podcast series. But here’s why I’ve changed my mind: More and more church members (not just church leaders) are listening in. So out of the burden of what God’s people are hearing, here are a few words of encouragement for those listening to the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.

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I became a lead pastor 10 years later than I wanted. Here’s why I’m glad for it.
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

I became a lead pastor 10 years later than I wanted. Here’s why I’m glad for it.

I wanted to be a lead pastor at 25. But instead of giving me what I thought I wanted, God used the next 10 years to bring me to a place where I wasn’t sure it was something I even wanted. But to my surprise, a decade later, I find myself stepping into a lead pastor role. And I could not be more grateful it’s happening now, and not then.

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