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What Is Your Leadership Shadow?
Leadership Development Steve Bang Lee Leadership Development Steve Bang Lee

What Is Your Leadership Shadow?

Why are some leaders more effective than others though they may be executing identical strategies? Why are some teams more dysfunctional though they have no unique disadvantage? Some would call this “The Leadership Shadow.” This post is all about facing the reality of ourselves so we can better steward ourselves to serve those around us.

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Here’s a Bad Take On The “Decline of Church Attendance in the West” Conversation
Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee

Here’s a Bad Take On The “Decline of Church Attendance in the West” Conversation

According to the data, church attendance is lower today than it was pre-pandemic. Those who have been paying attention know this isn’t new but part of an ongoing trend that has been documented for the past two decades. So why is this happening? This post explores the myriad of factors (spiritual, sociological, strategic) that may be at play, ultimately serving as an encouragement to stay away from simplistic, mic-drop answers.

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Reflections from The Mars Hill Podcast

Reflections from The Mars Hill Podcast

“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast series has come to an end. Some have loved the series. Others have wondered if we’re just soaking in the failure of others. But wherever you stand on the validity of the podcast series, we can all agree that there is much to reflect on and learn from the Mars Hill story itself. In this post, I share a few of my reflections.

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Why Your Church Needs Introverted Leaders
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

Why Your Church Needs Introverted Leaders

At least one-third to half of the people are made up of introverts. And while the church desperately needs extroverted leaders (the church is a gathering of people after all), there are a few reasons why I think every church needs introverted leaders. I share a few of these reasons in this post.

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Christian Tribe vs. Tribal Christian. There’s a Difference.
Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee

Christian Tribe vs. Tribal Christian. There’s a Difference.

Author and Professor Gerald L. Sittser once wrote that “Every generation of believers faces the risk of becoming a prisoner to its own myopic vision of the Christian faith, assuming that how it understands and practices faith is always the best.” It’s one thing to be part of a Christian tribe. It’s another thing to be tribal. This post is about the dangers of pursuing our “myopic vision.”

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“My church’s teaching model is video and live hybrid. Here’s why I love it.”
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

“My church’s teaching model is video and live hybrid. Here’s why I love it.”

My church people receive God’s Word through a combination of live or video teaching on a given weekend. I never thought I’d be part of a church (much less the lead pastor) that utilizes this hybrid model. But the bigger surprise for me has been why I’ve grown to love this model so much. This post details these reasons.

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5 Reminders For Those Listening to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

5 Reminders For Those Listening to “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill”

I told myself I would not write a blog regarding this podcast series. But here’s why I’ve changed my mind: More and more church members (not just church leaders) are listening in. So out of the burden of what God’s people are hearing, here are a few words of encouragement for those listening to the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.

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I became a lead pastor 10 years later than I wanted. Here’s why I’m glad for it.
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

I became a lead pastor 10 years later than I wanted. Here’s why I’m glad for it.

I wanted to be a lead pastor at 25. But instead of giving me what I thought I wanted, God used the next 10 years to bring me to a place where I wasn’t sure it was something I even wanted. But to my surprise, a decade later, I find myself stepping into a lead pastor role. And I could not be more grateful it’s happening now, and not then.

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Why Your Pastor Is Busy 
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

Why Your Pastor Is Busy 

Does it ever seem like your pastor or team of pastors is busy? I mean, what do they do all day anyway? Don’t they just read the Bible, pray, and send out an email or two? In this post, I point to the complexities of the pastoral role through the many hats they wear and what that means for pastors and their people.

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