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Are You Trustworthy?
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Are You Trustworthy?

It’s been said that “Trust is hard-earned, easily lost, and difficult to reestablish.” What does it mean to be trustworthy? How do I regain trust once I’ve lost it? This post answers these questions by looking at the life of the Old Testament prophet, Daniel.

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Why I Believe How A Pastor Transitions May Be a Microcosm of One’s Ministry Tenure
Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee Church Ministry Steve Bang Lee

Why I Believe How A Pastor Transitions May Be a Microcosm of One’s Ministry Tenure

I’ve often heard the quote, “It’s not how you start, but how you finish.” But what if what happens in the middle serves as indicators for how one starts and finishes. In this post, I explore why I believe the manner and way in which a pastor transitions serves as a microcosm of how one operated during one’s ministry tenure.

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