What Your Pastor is Worrying About
There have been recent articles specifying ways you can pray for your pastor during this current season. In this post, I pull back the curtain and share what I believe pastors are wrestling with these days. While I know these concerns may not speak for all pastors, it’s my hope that these humanize your pastor and clarify the issues your pastor may be facing in his church.
Are You Grieving Well?
Henry Cloud once defined grief as “accepting the reality of what is.” In this post, I make a case for why we have to grieve well and the benefits that flow out of grieving well.
4 Helpful Practices When Leading in a Crisis
There have been many great leadership articles during this season. This one takes a practical angle which gives four leadership practices that can make the world of a difference during a time when we need to be the difference for the world.
How To Be Tone-Deaf During a Crisis
Presently, our world is in a global pandemic. There is fear, anxiety, and sadness. There is also tone-deafness in the way some have responded to Covid-19. In this post, I highlight 3 ways we can be tone-deaf in this present crisis.
Facebook Live Tips for Ministry (From an Oscars Producer)
As the Covid-19 season continues, many ministry leaders are turning to online platforms to continue their ministry. One of these platforms will be Facebook Live. While there are obvious ways to best utilize Facebook Live, a producer for the Oscars gave me a few helpful tips for consideration.
Why I’m Humbled as a Church Leader In a Time Like This
During this unique season of covid-19, I find myself humbled greatly as a church leader. In this post, I share 3 ways I’ve been humbled.
5 Reasons Bi-Cultural Church Leaders Don’t Get Hired
Would the Apostle Paul get hired today? I’m not so sure. Why is it hard for some bi-cultural church leaders to get hired? In this post, I give 5 reasons why bi-cultural church leaders don’t get hired.
Why the American Church Needs Bi-Cultural Leaders
Moses, Daniel, and the Apostle Paul walk into a bar and ask the bartender what the 3 have in common. You might say they were mightily used by God at crucial moments in history. But the other common denominator is that they were bi-cultural leaders. In this post, I share why I believe the American Church needs bi-cultural leaders.
Why Life Transitions Are Hard (And How to Handle It Well)
Every time you say “yes” to a change, you’re opening the door to transition. And opening the door to transitions, brings a disorientation we’re surprised to find we’re not always ready for. In this post, I share what these disorientations are and ways to navigate them.
Marriage, Ministry, and My Biggest Mistakes
Ministry is a blessing. It can strengthen a marriage. But ministry will also place stressors on a marriage. Here are 4 mistakes I made as a married person in ministry.
4 Pastors Your Church Doesn’t Need
There’s ministry competency and then there is Biblical chemistry to the role of the pastor. This post is about pastors, whose competency and capacity may highly exceed the “average” pastor, but who I believe are not needed at our local churches.
The Best Leadership Advice I’ve Ever Gotten (The “You Get What You Want” Principle)
Leaders can live under a narrative that says we’re essentially victims to circumstances we can’t change. In this post, I explain the “You Get What You Want” Principle which is really that leaders end up getting what they really want.
Why I’m Learning to Appreciate the Megachurch
In this post, I conclude the series on the megachurch by sharing four reasons why I am learning to appreciate the megachurch.
Just How Consumeristic is the Megachurch?
Does the megachurch drive consumerism? Is the megachurch more consumeristic than smaller churches? In this post, I challenge some of the assumptions we have about the consumeristic culture of megachurches while also confessing its reality.
Is Community Possible in a Megachurch?
Is community even possible in a megachurch? How can genuine Christian fellowship be sustained at a church of thousands of people? In this post, I share the challenges but also challenge some of our assumptions on the nature of Christian community at a big church.
Is the Megachurch Shallow?
Are megachurches shallow? Are they a mile wide and one inch deep? Or do they actually have some substance? This is Part 2 of the 5-Part Series, “I Was Wrong About the Megachurch.”
I Was Wrong About the Megachurch
In this post, I confess assumptions I held regarding the megachurch. This post is the introduction to a five-part series on the megachurch.
10 Reflections From 10 Years of Marriage
My wife and I just celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary. In this post, I share ten reflections from ten years of marriage.
10 Do's and Don'ts When Starting at a New Church
Whether you’re stepping in as a new lead pastor or as a new intern, there are things you can say or do that will place you on the slow but sure road of credibility or set you on the fast-track of unlikeability. In this post, I share a few principles I’ve found helpful in the midst of my own transition.
The Pastor’s Joys and Challenges of Starting In A New Church
Ever wonder what it’s like for a pastor to start at a new church? In this post, I share some of my joys and challenges very early on in to my transition.