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When I Don't Experience the Gospel
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

When I Don't Experience the Gospel

I don’t always experience the gospel. I know the gospel is the most important news in the world but it’s not always real for me. This post serves to encourage those who feel the same way.

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How Does Your Bible Affirming Church Talk About Homosexuality?
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

How Does Your Bible Affirming Church Talk About Homosexuality?

If someone who grew up in your church experienced Same-Sex Attraction, how would they synthesize the Christian faith with their experiences? If a gay couple attended your church, what would be their conclusion of the gospel and their lifestyle? In this post, I suggest a few unhelpful ways Bible-believing churches talk about homosexuality with a few other considerations.

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5 Predictions on the Future Asian American Church
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

5 Predictions on the Future Asian American Church

The Asian American church has experienced changes in the last few decades. But what are the future changes to come? In this post, I detail five predictions I believe await the near distant horizon of the Asian American church.

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How An Associate Pastor Can Flourish
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

How An Associate Pastor Can Flourish

Associate pastors are an important part of church staff, but it’s not an easy position to navigate. In this post, I detail some practices I believe will be helpful for associates to flourish.

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Gifts From My Mother
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

Gifts From My Mother

No mother is perfect but if we pay close attention, we may be able to see the unique tangible and intangible gifts moms gives to their child. This is a personal account of some of the gifts my mom gave me.

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How To Turn Off Your Church From Your Mission Trip
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

How To Turn Off Your Church From Your Mission Trip

There are fewer things better than seeing young people mobilized for overseas missions trips. However, there may be ways missions teams and individuals could exercise greater wisdom to maximize support from their local church. 

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Why Did My Pastor Leave?
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

Why Did My Pastor Leave?

Pastors can leave their church and it can be a confusing thing for people. Why do pastors leave? In this post, I try to uncover this nuanced and complex situation. 

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Why Pastors Can Get Disillusioned By Church
Steve Bang Lee Steve Bang Lee

Why Pastors Can Get Disillusioned By Church

Pastors who love the church can get disillusioned by church too. In this post, I tackle some of the unique challenges pastors face which can create a melting pot of challenges. 

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