4 ways new-ish parents win by simply making it to church (Part 2)
It’s a common experience for new parents or parents of young kids to feel like their experience of God has taken a dramatic turn. In this post, I make a case for why the simple discipline of going to church will make all the difference for you and your family.
Christian Tribe vs. Tribal Christian. There’s a Difference.
Author and Professor Gerald L. Sittser once wrote that “Every generation of believers faces the risk of becoming a prisoner to its own myopic vision of the Christian faith, assuming that how it understands and practices faith is always the best.” It’s one thing to be part of a Christian tribe. It’s another thing to be tribal. This post is about the dangers of pursuing our “myopic vision.”
Do We Hurt Young Leaders When We Platform Them Too Quickly?
How quickly should young leaders be platformed? Do we set up young leaders for failure when we empower them too much, too quickly? How do we wisely unleash the gifts of younger leaders so it looks beautiful 20 years later? Is there a way to make it fall-proof? This post explores these questions.
To All My Former College Students
In this post, I share an open letter to the many college students I was privileged to shepherd over the last 7.5 years of college ministry. This is a letter of thanks, gratitude, and a reminder to think about God’s grace.
The One Thing Pastors In Their 20’s Should Consider Focusing On (After Character)
Character is king. Nothing matters more than character. But after character, what should pastors in their 20s focus on? In this blog, I make the case that developing one’s skillsets and competencies through rigorous and strenuous work is the next best investment.