The Emerging Pastor (or “Christian Influencer”) Who Makes Me Nervous
It can be a beautiful sight when a pastor’s influence (or a Christian’s social media account) takes off. It can be a great benefit to those under their influence and a testament to the power of God. At the same time, I feel a bit nervous when I see a combination of key factors playing out in the life of the leader or influencer. This post examines those factors.

The One Thing Pastors In Their 20’s Should Consider Focusing On (After Character)
Character is king. Nothing matters more than character. But after character, what should pastors in their 20s focus on? In this blog, I make the case that developing one’s skillsets and competencies through rigorous and strenuous work is the next best investment.

Learnings from Church Planting in a Pandemic
I’m currently a witness to two things happening simultaneously: The development of a baby boy and the development of a baby church on the other. 2020 has been a crazy year so it only makes sense for these two births and subsequent development to happen in the same year. In Part 1 of 2, I share some of the learnings I’ve gleaned from church planting.

10 Lessons for Young Pastors From the Life of Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon was a famous 19th century London pastor of an influential church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle. Many recognize him today as “The Prince of Preachers” and the author of treasured works such as “Lectures to My Students” and “The Treasury of David.” I also believe there is much to glean from his life, especially for young pastors. Upon reading Arnold Dallimore’s biography of Charles Spurgeon, I saw 10 things that I believe are a helpful challenge and encouragement to young pastors today.

3 Opportunities for Parents With Young Children
My wife has been teaching me a lot about parenting these days. In this post, I share a few learnings from her that I believe are opportunities for parents with young children during this unqieu season.