The Dangerous Pull Towards Aristocratic Leadership in a Church’s Life Cycle (Part 2)
In part 2, I double-click into the aristocrat life stage and its associated leadership style and explain why this type of leadership can be so dangerous for a church and what I believe is the solution to fight against it.

Pastor, Your People Will Be Frustrated At You (And That’s Okay)
I am a fan of wise, strategic planning with clear and compassionate communication. I believe in leading well! But a pastor cannot be liked by everyone all the time. A pastor cannot be perfectly understood by everyone all the time. A pastor needs to get comfortable with shepherding frustrated sheep. This is to lead like Jesus.

Reflections from The Mars Hill Podcast
“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” podcast series has come to an end. Some have loved the series. Others have wondered if we’re just soaking in the failure of others. But wherever you stand on the validity of the podcast series, we can all agree that there is much to reflect on and learn from the Mars Hill story itself. In this post, I share a few of my reflections.

Why Your Church Needs Introverted Leaders
At least one-third to half of the people are made up of introverts. And while the church desperately needs extroverted leaders (the church is a gathering of people after all), there are a few reasons why I think every church needs introverted leaders. I share a few of these reasons in this post.

Why Physical Church Attendance Is A “New" Spiritual Discipline
The Covid-era has changed how God’s people engage with the local church. In this post, I share why we should no longer assume that people view the physical gathering as being essential, but help people to understand why it is so. Churches have to associate physical church gathering as one of the spiritual disciplines alongside Bible reading, prayer, community life, generosity, etc.

Is My Church Healthy? Here’s An Indicator We Don’t Often Think About
There is more to a healthy church than theological literacy, emphasis on spiritual practices, robust small group systems, or engaged volunteer teams (as important and as essential as these are). In this post, I share why I believe there's a correlation between the handling of staff departure and the health of a church.