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Is “Gospel-Centeredness” Still Relevant in a Post-Everything, Spiritual Formation World?
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Is “Gospel-Centeredness” Still Relevant in a Post-Everything, Spiritual Formation World?

Gospel centrality, the thought that the work of Christ—His death and resurrection—as being foundational and the lens through which we understand all things discipleship used to be popular. Is this still relevant in the current life of the church? Or is this now an outdated question in light of cultural shifts?

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Here’s a Bad Take On The “Decline of Church Attendance in the West” Conversation
Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee

Here’s a Bad Take On The “Decline of Church Attendance in the West” Conversation

According to the data, church attendance is lower today than it was pre-pandemic. Those who have been paying attention know this isn’t new but part of an ongoing trend that has been documented for the past two decades. So why is this happening? This post explores the myriad of factors (spiritual, sociological, strategic) that may be at play, ultimately serving as an encouragement to stay away from simplistic, mic-drop answers.

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