Could “dragging the kids to church” be a good thing?
Who wants to go to church with kids who don’t want to be there? What kid wants a church experience where they have to go? We should just let kids be, right? Let them do their own thing? Parents can enjoy church on their own and we don’t want or kids to grow up hating the church. But while this line of thinking may appear right, there’s data that paints a different picture. Consistent church-attendance for our kids may be better for their future.

Why Physical Church Attendance Is A “New" Spiritual Discipline
The Covid-era has changed how God’s people engage with the local church. In this post, I share why we should no longer assume that people view the physical gathering as being essential, but help people to understand why it is so. Churches have to associate physical church gathering as one of the spiritual disciplines alongside Bible reading, prayer, community life, generosity, etc.

Is My Church Healthy? Here’s An Indicator We Don’t Often Think About
There is more to a healthy church than theological literacy, emphasis on spiritual practices, robust small group systems, or engaged volunteer teams (as important and as essential as these are). In this post, I share why I believe there's a correlation between the handling of staff departure and the health of a church.

What I’ll Miss About College Ministry
One of my mentors once told me to stay in college ministry for as long as possible. I took his advice to heart and I’m glad I did so. The last 7.5 years of college ministry were some of the most rewarding times of ministry in a local church context. In this post, I share 7 things I’ll miss about college ministry.

Why We Moved to a New City During a Pandemic (After Having Our 4th Child) - Believing in the Role of Proximity to the Local Church
It wasn’t a haphazard or emotional decision. My wife and I had known it was a possibility for over a year, had multiple key discussions along the way, and had prayed through it for months. But in September of 2020, less than 4 months after having our 4th child, we packed our bags and moved to a new city. This post is about the growing conviction that drove that decision.

4 Ways A majority culture Church Can Be More Sensitive Towards Its Non-majority culture Members
A diverse church is a beautiful picture of the gospel. But most diverse churches have a majority and a minority culture. In this post, I lay out 4 ways the majority culture of a church can be more sensitive towards its minority members and leaders:

How Should I Think About Tithing During Covid-19?
Tithing (or giving) is a sensitive subject right now. With the economy down and churches not gathering, some are wondering if this should affect their giving patterns. So how should we think about giving as it relates to the church during this season?