Steve Bang Lee

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How Shepherding Like a Barbarian Benefits the Church Flock (Church Season Part 3)

One of the privileges I have in my current role (Multiplication Pastor) is serving six lead pastor who are faithfully shepherding their churches by being an extra set of eyes, brains, and hands.

At the time of writing, being 6 weeks out from Easter, these lead pastors are activating an “invite challenge” for their congregations in which they’re mobilizing their volunteers and leaders to pass out Easter invites to their community in preparation for Easter Sunday.

The hope is a greater culture of invitation built into the DNA of their people. These lead pastors have set aggressive goals. One lead pastor set a goal of 10,000 invites.

While brainstorming how we can best communicate this to our leaders and key volunteers, the lead pastor (who set the goal of 10,000) said, “I’ve found that one of the best ways to motivate people is to tell them how you’re already doing it.

This is the barbarian way of leadership.

In this mini-series of church life cycles, seasons, and its associated leadership styles, we began with an overall framework in the first installment. The second was about aristocratic leadership and how this can slowly erode a church from the inside out.

This third installment is about how pastors who shepherd with a posture of a barbarian can facilitate beautiful change which fuel and protect the flock of God.

What is the Barbarian Way of Pastoring?

According to author and management consultant Lawrence M. Miller in his work Barbarians to Bureaucrats, the barbarian stage is about leaders who lead the march towards accelerated growth through crisis and conquest.

To put it another way: It’s about leaders who are willing to go first.

These are the leaders who aren’t simply talking about change, but they’re leading the change by being the first to move towards the change.

They aren’t simply saying their church needs a DNA change to become more invitational. They’re the ones who are going first to invite their neighbors and then (and only then) stand on stage and invite the people to “go and do likewise.

Why the Barbarian Way Serves the Flock

  1. Change is Facilitated through Exemplars, not Salespeople

    Temporary behavior modification can be accomplished well by compelling or condemning. A leader actually can bring an initiative to its completion by selling a vision on stage for a few weeks.

    But impacting someone at a heart level? We know it’s done most effectively by modeling.

    Something profound happens when someone’s life is doing the talking.

    Isn’t this the way of Christianity? Jesus wanted to instill servanthood. So what did He do? The Creator of the Universe got down on His knees and washed the feet of His disciples.

    Remember the time when Paul said, “Imitate Christ!” No, he said, “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ.

  2. Sheep Walk a Clear Path Shepherds have Paved

    There are two kinds of pastors and leaders at the end of the day: Those who place the burden on themselves to make it easy for God’s people to respond and those who primarily place the burden on the people to respond appropriately.

    But isn’t good shepherding about clearing the way for the sheep to access the water, food, and shelter needed?

    We have a shepherd who laid down his life for us the sheep.

    What a strange picture then for shepherds to yell at their sheep to dig through the trench, swim across the river, outrun the wolves, and sign up for the thing at the kiosk!

    Shepherds run so sheep can walk. Shepherds go first mindful of the slowest walking sheep.

A Few Markers of Barbarian-Like Shepherds

  • They default towards inconveniencing themselves to convenience others.

  • People around them often give a non-resentful “yes” because of the deep well of trust they’ve created from their example.

  • They often over think and over plan because they want to front-end the work so as to make the lives of others easier.

  • They care about the process as much as the outcome because the process impacts people too.

  • They often gain more trust as a project or initiative unfolds rather than the other way around.

  • They’re willing to engage in challenging conversations and can handle being disliked.

Alexander the Great and Christ the King

I recently read the following account about leading by going first (Source: Jon Tyson who referenced this and this):

“Once, in India, after years on campaign, Alexander’s men threatened to mutiny. They were worn out and wanted to go home. Alexander called an assembly. When the army had gathered, the young king stepped forth and stripped naked.

“These scars on my body,” Alexander declared, “were got for you, my brothers. Every wound, as you see, is in the front. Let that man stand forth from your ranks who has bled more than I, or endured more than I for your sake. Show him to me, and I will yield to your weariness and go home.” Not a man came forward. Instead, a great cheer arose from the army. The men begged their king to forgive them for their want of spirit and pleaded with him only to lead them forward…..

“In the historic clashes of the Granicus River, Issus and Gaugamela, Alexander the Great’s order of battle ran like this: allied horse on the left, infantry phalanx in the center, “Silver Shields” to their right, then the elite Companion Cavalry. At the head of this 1600-man detachment rode Alexander himself, on his warhorse, Bucephalus, wearing a double-plumed helmet that could be seen by every man in the army. He led the charge in person and prided himself on being first to strike the enemy.”

It’s an impressive and inspiring account and yet an account that falls short of Jesus.

Alexander took his scars, but Jesus gave His life.

Jesus went first.

He denied Himself first. He took up His cross first. He followed the will of His Father first. He paved the way first.

Every shepherd who chooses His path is but a small reflection of Jesus, the Lion-like Lamb.