Steve Bang Lee

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To All My Former College Students

In my previous post, I shared the things I’ll miss about college ministry as I transition into a new ministry season. 

In this post, I share an open letter to the many college students I was privileged to shepherd over the last 7.5 years of college ministry.

This note is for every former student who walked through one of the college ministries I was a part of.

This note is for you whether you were a leader, a volunteer, someone who occasionally dropped by, or attended just once.

I want to thank you for your grace towards me.

Church leaders have the awesome task and privilege of dispensing care to their people. But one of the most under-stated privileges of ministry is the grace pastors receive from their people. And you have shown me so much grace. 

When the college ministry was launching and the plane was building mid-air, you gave me your trust and went “all in” even when I couldn’t provide all the answers. When I tinkered, tried new things, and took risks, you gave your participation with a spirit of joy.

When I gave sermons with a sharper edge than necessary, you received them with a selfless attitude. When I couldn’t hide my concern or disappointment, you encouraged and filled my soul.

When I ministered with constraint as new babies were added to my family (felt like every year, right?!), you celebrated our family transitions and cornered me to go home early to my family after worship gatherings. When I needed babysitters, you grew to love my kids rather than merely watch them.

When I transitioned out of the ministry, you gave life-giving words of support and love. (I will never forget my tearful transition announcement out of my first college ministry and the line you guys formed to individually thank and hug me one at a time.)

Thank you for the grace you’ve shown me. 

I ask that you think of His grace towards you. 

Some of you are on the cusp of entering your 30s’ and life has gotten very busy. Others have entered major life transitions or you’re anxiously wondering when your moment or breakthrough will come. Some of you have grown cynical and tired. Some have even walked away from the church.

Wherever you may be today, no matter how much the circumstances of your life may have changed, what has not changed is the love and grace of God I had shared with you for years.

The star of heaven left his throne for you. The creator of the universe cares for you. We don’t sing to convince ourselves He loves us. We sing because He gave His life for us. There’s nothing you can do to make God love you more or less. Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection is the line in the sand that can’t be erased, scrubbed off, or dismissed. 

Wherever you are, however, you may be doing, no matter what you’re going through, think of his grace towards you. And let that be what motivates and moves you to do all that you do today.

It was an unbelievable joy and privilege to be your shepherd during your college years.

I can say along with the Apostle Paul, “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all” (2 Cor 3:2).

In other words, if any person in the world asked me for my “ministry credentials” I could simply point to you and say, “Look! Look at this man or woman of God. Look at his or her zeal for Jesus. Look at the ways he or she serves the church and says “Yes” to the call of God in their every day. I got to be a witness to this the last 7.5 years.”

Thanks for the privilege and joy.
It was a true honor.